
Winter complains..??/

WINTER COMPLAINS affects mostly over protected individuals which ultimately leads to lowering of their immunity and illness results...🤒🤕🤧😵 In cases that this doesn't occur let's take a look today at how homoeopathy helps in winter complains and try for yourself as it works wonder.. HEPAR SULPH : In cases where patient cannot bear even the slightest cold. Cold causes cough, headache and even tonsillitis. Closes and packs the door and window's of the room. In homoeopathy the most chilly patient ( that means whose all complains aggravate in winter) directs you towards hepar sulph. ACONITE : In cases where cold causes ailments suddenly in individuals who seem to be alright just 2 minutes before and complain starts suddenly and violently. PULSATILLA: In cases where person complains of toothache in winter and feels relieved by holding cold water in mouth. RHUS TOX : In cases of joint complains in winter. ARSENIC ALB : In cases of cold complains with sn


A man is judged by his shoes and a woman by her feet ! We know many poems and articles depicting the beauty of woman's feet. However, regular busy schedules prevents you from concentrating on your feet and everyone seems to get affected by it to a lesser or greater extent. In many cases it turns out to be very painful and mainly it increases in winter. CAUSES : Hard floors, prolonged standing, constantly wearing same kind of footwear, obesity, continuous exposure to water, too many hot showers, using wrong skincare products, medicinal conditions like thyroid, diabetes, psoriasis and even vitamin deficiency can cause cracked heels. TREATING CRACKED HEELS : Moisturize your feet regularly, Avoid barefoot, Avoid sandals or shoes with thin soles.. HOMEOPATHY FOR CRACKED HEELS : AGARICUS : In cases of itching with burning causing severe pain. PETROLEUM : In cases of patient with dry skin, cracked heels associated with bleeding and very sensitive to

Acne and Homeopathy...

WHAT IS ACNE? Chronic inflammatory skin condition that causes spots, pimples, especially on face, back, shoulder, neck, chest and upper arms. UNDERSTANDING ACNE... There is Sebaceous glands beneath our skin and it secretes an oily or waxy matter called sebum that helps lubricate and waterproof the skin and hairs of mammals. The combination of sebaceous glands and hair follicles is the 'pilosebaceous unit' where acne, pimples and cysts develop. PICTORIAL REPRESENTATION FOR UNDERSTANDING ACNE... BUT, why it doesn't affect everyone?? The reason behind is.. It can be hereditary, allergic, as post or pre menstrual symptom, menopausal symptom, because of hormonal disturbances, dietary patterns which includes more oily, spicy food and like, patients with constipation, stress, fear, modern medicines like Testosterone steroids, etc. Also, the more you touch, or scrub acne, the more it develops.. Moreover, constantly living in humid atmosph


ANTIBIOTICS : Drug used to treat bacterial infection.. It is like a substance produced by one micro-organism that selectively inhibits the growth of other.. But better to say that in today's era of Antibiotics, self-medication without proper knowledge or even wrong dosages and all causes more harm than good. Adverse effects range from nausea, fever to allergic reaction including anaphylaxis.. So to AVOID such effects and have a healthy life I would suggest today some of the antibiotics hiding in your kitchen and better alternative to antibiotics.. TURMERIC HONEY GINGER PASTE - It offers anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory support. Oil from herb OREGANO is effective in treatment against drug-resistant bacteria. Both ONION and GARLIC have compounds that fight infection and boosts immune system. APPLE CIDER VINEGAR is an all-rounder includes antibiotic and antiseptic properties. HORSERADISH ROOT accounts for easing URTI i.e. Upper Re


What is DETOX? DETOXING means to get rid of toxic or unhealthy substances... Majority of detoxification in our body is carried out by Digestive , Respiratory , Dermal    and Urinary System . Any accumulation of toxins here leads to medical illness  . The pictorial representation of detoxification process in our body:- BENEFITS OF DETOXIFICATION :-   Boosts your energy. Gets rid of excess waste. Strengthens your immune system. Improves respiration. Provides anti-aging benefits. BELOW ARE THE NATURAL WAYS TO REGULARLY DETOX YOUR BODY BY TREATING YOURSELF WITH JUICES OF... Whether you want to eat or drink them, apples are a great way to cleanse your body like a natural liver cleanse... The fiber in Kale not only helps in lowering cholesterol, but also helps the body detox... Start your day with hot water and a slice of lemon to help flush out toxins and cleanse your system, as the antioxidant vitamin C is great for skin and for figh

About HOMEOPATHY- an overview...

HOMEOPATHY AND HEALTH HOMEOPATHY which is a wonderful system of medicine is based upon the principle of Similia Similibus Curentur which means    Like Cures Like , considering the individuals not only on physical plane but individuals as a whole i.e. including the physical, mental and spiritual plane as well because the disturbance in any one plane is surely going to manifest and reflect on the other planes as well.  Homeopathy treats or rather cures the patient in the most rapid, gentle   and   permanent way...Yes, yes, you read it right...☺ Clearing the misconception about homeopathy here that when homeopathic remedies are given in correct way with correct doses and exact similimum leads to RAPID CURE... Well this was just the starting about HOMEOCARE with the very basic sharing about homeopathy but there is yet more to come... I would be ending my blogs regularly by sharing with you people HEALTHY TIP FOR HEALTHY LIFE everytime which will also be relate