• ANTIBIOTICS : Drug used to treat bacterial infection..
  • It is like a substance produced by one micro-organism that selectively inhibits the growth of other..

  • But better to say that in today's era of Antibiotics, self-medication without proper knowledge or even wrong dosages and all causes more harm than good.
  • Adverse effects range from nausea, fever to allergic reaction including anaphylaxis..

  • So to AVOID such effects and have a healthy life I would suggest today some of the antibiotics hiding in your kitchen and better alternative to antibiotics..

  • TURMERIC HONEY GINGER PASTE - It offers anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory support.
  • Oil from herb OREGANO is effective in treatment against drug-resistant bacteria.
  • Both ONION and GARLIC have compounds that fight infection and boosts immune system.
  • APPLE CIDER VINEGAR is an all-rounder includes antibiotic and antiseptic properties.
  • HORSERADISH ROOT accounts for easing URTI i.e. Upper Respiratory Tract Infection.
  • HABANERO PEPPER is also credited in being useful as antibiotics. However, medical advice is recommended before eating Habaneros.

  • In Homeopathy, there is no such antibiotic or antiviral remedy, as homeopathic remedy has the capacity to strengthen a person's immune system that ultimately helps to fight any bacterial or viral infections.
  • Moreover, Homeopathic remedies are also effective in curing antibiotic resistance.
Healthy tip for healthy life...

Got ACNE problems..???
Wash your face twice daily, keep hair clean and refrain from harsh scrubbing..
Considering severity of problem take homeopathic remedies about which will be described in my upcoming blog..

Till then 
Stay healthy, Stay happy..


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