Winter complains..??/

  • WINTER COMPLAINS affects mostly over protected individuals which ultimately leads to lowering of their immunity and illness results...🤒🤕🤧😵
  • In cases that this doesn't occur let's take a look today at how homoeopathy helps in winter complains and try for yourself as it works wonder..

  1. HEPAR SULPH : In cases where patient cannot bear even the slightest cold. Cold causes cough, headache and even tonsillitis. Closes and packs the door and window's of the room. In homoeopathy the most chilly patient ( that means whose all complains aggravate in winter) directs you towards hepar sulph.
  2. ACONITE : In cases where cold causes ailments suddenly in individuals who seem to be alright just 2 minutes before and complain starts suddenly and violently.
  3. PULSATILLA: In cases where person complains of toothache in winter and feels relieved by holding cold water in mouth.
  4. RHUS TOX : In cases of joint complains in winter.
  5. ARSENIC ALB : In cases of cold complains with sneezing and watery discharge from nose, cough complains and feels suffocated especially at midnight between 12 to 2 with fear of death.
Over and above the above described remedies such as Gelsemium, Kali bich, Ferrum phos, Kali mur etc. works wonder...

Healthy tip for healthy life...
Worm affections in your child..??
See to it that your child washes hands after using toilet  and before eating..Normal hot water washing of clothes and bed linen will help..and to know about worm affections and homoeopathy eopathy wait till my next blog...

Till then,
Stay healthy, Stay happy...


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