About HOMEOPATHY- an overview...


HOMEOPATHY which is a wonderful system of medicine is based upon the principle of Similia Similibus Curentur which means  Like Cures Like , considering the individuals not only on physical plane but individuals as a whole i.e. including the physical, mental and spiritual plane as well because the disturbance in any one plane is surely going to manifest and reflect on the other planes as well. 

Homeopathy treats or rather cures the patient in the most rapid, gentle  and  permanent way...Yes, yes, you read it right...☺

Clearing the misconception about homeopathy here that when homeopathic remedies are given in correct way with correct doses and exact similimum leads to RAPID CURE...

Well this was just the starting about HOMEOCARE with the very basic sharing about homeopathy but there is yet more to come...

I would be ending my blogs regularly by sharing with you people HEALTHY TIP FOR HEALTHY LIFE everytime which will also be related or will hint you towards the topic about my upcoming blog..

Healthy tip for healthy life.....

For a COMPLETE DETOX treat yourself with the juices of...
(A) Apple
(B) Kale
(C) Lemon
(D) Cucumber
(E) Ginger
(F) Celery...

Stay healthy, stay happy...
-Dr. Kinjal Mandalia


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